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Cleveland Surgical Society

Uniting surgeons and promoting resident education across Northeast Ohio since 1949.

HomeResident Essay Contest

Cleveland Surgical Society Resident Essay Contest


The Resident Essay Contest is the hallmark event of the Society held during the last meeting of the academic year, usually May.  Instituted in 1954, this forum encourages presentation of research and clinical topics by medical student, residents and fellows from the regional academic programs.

 Past Programs


Abstracts are welcome on any new subject in clinical and experimental surgery including patient series, case reports, new procedures, preliminary results, diagnostic techniques, etc. 

Any medical student or surgical resident/fellow in training in Cuyahoga or Summit County may submit an abstract for consideration.  Abstracts submitted by residents/fellows outside of these counties that are sponsored by a Cleveland Surgical Society member will be considered on an individual basis.


Abstracts will be judged on originality, scientific or clinic merit, clarity of expression and presentation of data.

Abstracts are submitted with the understanding that the essential substance and data are original by the author.  Originality does not prevent the data to be pending acceptance by any book, journal, or previously presented at/or being considered by any other national or regional meeting.  However, the Society requires that the data not be part of any work previously published.


Credit for authorship implies substantial contributions to conception, design, analysis and interpretation of date, and to writing and revising the abstract for intellectual content.  The author is expected to present the abstract, and no individual is permitted to present more than one abstract at the meeting.  Should two or more abstracts be accepted with the same author, he or she will be given a choice of the abstract he/she will present.




Each resident/fellow must identify a sponsor on the abstract form who is an active member (dues PAID for the current academic year) of the Cleveland Surgical Society and who will assume the quality and integrity of the work.  Unfortunately, we will have to reject any submissions with sponsors whose membership is expired.  The sponsor may assist in the preparation of the abstract and oral presentation and must be listed as one of authors.



Submissions are to be entered at this LinkSubmissions may also be made via the .docx submission form available on the CSS website here.


The online form allows for a figure or table upload, and those who are unable to upload can email their figure or table to Those using the .docx submission form can attach a file along with their email.


The deadline for receipt of abstracts is 11:59 pm Monday April 1, 2024. The deadline will not be extended for any reason. The abstract section should not exceed 500 words.

All contact information must be completed on the form. Authors of the abstracts should indicate whether their study is clinical or experimental in nature. The committee respectfully requests that each presenter limit contributions to no more than 3 abstracts.


The program committee will look with greatest favor on abstracts submitted in the purpose-methods-results conclusion format.  The purpose section should be a concise statement of the research data, etc., the control group should be described, and the number of experimental subjects or patients in groups along with the statistical method of significance.  The results should be stated in sufficient detail to support the conclusion.  The conclusion should state the findings related to the purpose with a minimum of suggestions or implications.


The program committee will meet in April 2024 and an acceptance or rejection letter will be sent via e-mail shortly after that meeting.


All presentations will be 8 minutes in length. Due to the complex nature of meetings this year, we will discuss with presenters the format after abstract selection to ensure a fair and transparent process. Presentations will be either in person with PowerPoint, or pre-recorded, and this determination will be made in discussion with the presenters.


For questions regarding the submission policy contact: